L’énergie solaire connaît une montée en flèche de sa popularité, tandis que l’éolien stagne, selon un rapport

découvrez comment l'énergie solaire gagne en popularité par rapport à l'éolien, qui reste en stagnation. ce rapport examine les tendances actuelles du marché des énergies renouvelables et les implications pour l'avenir de la production d'énergie durable.

Solar energy is shining brightly as its popularity surges, marking a significant advance against a wind sector that is struggling to keep pace. A recent report indicates a decline in wind installations while solar, firmly rooted in a meteoric rise, eclipses coal in Europe for the first time. In France, installed solar power has almost doubled in just three years, revealing a thriving sector that is creating thousands of jobs. This trend reflects the growing need for sustainable energy solutions and the evolution of solar technologies that are now redefining the global energy landscape.

discover how solar energy is becoming increasingly popular, surpassing wind energy which is stagnating, according to the latest analyses and reports on renewable energies. learn about market trends and the reasons behind this change.

Growing popularity of solar energy

Solar energy is currently experiencing a surge in popularity around the world. Numerous reports highlight that it is on track to become the primary source of primary energy within a few decades. The rise of photovoltaic solar, with its ability to convert sunlight into electric energy, has significantly transformed the landscape of renewable energies. By significantly increasing its share in electricity production, solar has even recently surpassed coal in the European Union. Since 2021, installed capacity in France has nearly doubled, rising from 2.8 GW to over 5 GW in 2024. Such development is not only promising for reducing CO₂ emissions, but it also represents a major economic opportunity with the creation of thousands of jobs in the sector.

The challenges of wind energy

Unlike solar, wind energy seems to be experiencing a certain stagnation in its development. Although it has played a crucial role in the energy transition, several factors are limiting its expansion. Among these are the constraints related to the installation and maintenance of wind turbines in the territory. Environmental concerns and local resistance regarding the visual and auditory impact of wind farms also hinder its progress. Additionally, technical limitations such as wind intermittency and grid constraints have been raised in a recent report, as noted here: renewable energy projects are being tested. Despite these challenges, some experts emphasize the need to continue investing in this sector, essential for a diversified and sustainable energy mix.

The solar industry: new opportunities and collaborations

To help sustain the growth of the solar sector, many initiatives and collaborations are emerging. For example, EDP Renewables has partnered with Microsoft to develop the largest solar energy portfolio in Singapore, illustrating the growing attractiveness of this technology. Furthermore, the involvement of prominent figures such as Manuel António Gomes, a pioneer in solar energy, helps to raise public awareness and promote innovative solutions. Massive investments and continuous technological advancements further strengthen solar’s position as a central pillar of the global energy transition.

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