Everything you need to know about unglazed sensors.

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Unglazed collectors, also known as “carpet” collectors or flat unglazed collectors, are devices used to absorb heat from the sun and convert it into thermal energy. These collectors, which have neither glazing nor protective insulation, have specific characteristics and applications. This article reveals everything you need to know about unglazed collectors, from their composition to their uses, including their advantages and disadvantages.

What is an unglazed collector?

Unglazed collectors are flat and flexible devices, often made of black plastic or metal, that capture solar heat through water-filled tubes. Unlike glazed collectors, these collectors do not have protective glass, which gives them a simpler structure but also makes them more vulnerable to thermal losses.

Composition and operation of unglazed collectors

An unglazed collector primarily consists of water-filled tubes, often made of black plastic or metal, mounted on a frame. The main function of these tubes is to absorb solar heat and transfer it to the water circulating inside. This heated water can then be used for various applications, such as heating pools or feeding domestic heating systems.

Types of unglazed collectors

The flat unglazed collector

The flat unglazed collector, also known as “solar carpet,” consists of a flat absorber without a casing or glazing. This type of collector is commonly used for heating large water surfaces, such as pools. Its simplified structure makes it easy to install and less expensive than glazed collectors.

The AS unglazed collector

The “AS Collector” is a selective unglazed collector designed with an AS absorber framed by a rigid metal frame. This unique design allows for more efficient absorption of solar heat while ensuring some durability.

Advantages and disadvantages of unglazed collectors

Unglazed collectors have various advantages. Firstly, their manufacturing and installation costs are generally lower compared to glazed collectors. Moreover, their flexible and lightweight structure makes them easy to install and adapt to different surfaces. However, these collectors are less efficient in terms of thermal efficiency and are more prone to heat loss, especially in unfavorable weather conditions.

Applications of unglazed collectors

The applications for unglazed collectors are varied, although these devices are primarily used for pool heating. Their low cost and ease of installation make them an attractive solution for residential properties needing additional heat. Furthermore, they can be used as complements to domestic heating systems during sunny periods.

In summary, unglazed collectors are an accessible and flexible option for absorbing and using solar heat. However, their lower efficiency and vulnerability to thermal losses must be balanced with the specific needs of each project.

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