COP29 Live: Call to hold summits only in countries committed to climate action

découvrez le cop29, un sommet incontournable où les nations engagées se réunissent pour discuter des enjeux climatiques mondiaux, partager des solutions durables et promouvoir des actions concrètes pour un avenir respectueux de l'environnement.

The COP29 is taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan, with a strong call from experts to hold future climate summits only in committed countries in favor of climate action. In the face of extreme weather events and conflicts exacerbated by the climate crisis, this summit highlights the importance of enhanced international cooperation and limiting the influence of fossil fuel lobbyists in negotiations. The urgency for action is emphasized by the intensification of climate disasters and the growing financial needs of vulnerable nations. The transition to renewable energy is seen as a solution to reduce conflicts related to energy resources.

At the COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, a group of influential climate policy experts proposed that future United Nations climate summits only be held in countries showing clear support for climate action. This group, which includes former UN leaders and recognized experts, insists on the need to strengthen rules regarding fossil fuel lobbying and to give more voice to developing countries. These experts argue that the current system, based on annual negotiations, is no longer suitable and that it is urgent to move from negotiation to implementation. This call is supported by figures such as former UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, and former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson.

discover the stakes and initiatives of committed countries during cop29, a crucial summit for the future of our planet, focused on combating climate change and promoting sustainable development.

cop29 and the urgency of holding summits in committed countries

The COP29 is focusing this year on a crucial theme: organizing summits only in countries clearly committed to climate action. The conference in Baku is marked by intense discussions around this innovative idea. Climate policy experts, such as former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, emphasize the importance of this criterion for choosing future COP venues. They argue that only nations demonstrating strong support for climate actions should host future meetings. The goal is to enhance the effectiveness of these conferences and better target efforts towards concrete measures, highlighting the urgency to act in response to climate disruption.

the influence of the fossil fuel sector

The COPs are often criticized for the increasing influence exerted by the fossil fuel industry. A recent report reveals that in Baku, more than 1,773 lobbyists from the coal, oil, and gas sectors were accredited, outnumbering delegations from almost every country. This phenomenon raises concerns about the ability of the summits to make real progress in combating climate change. Furthermore, discussions are centered around the need to establish stricter regulations regarding the participation of fossil fuel lobbies to prevent their financial interests from undermining environmental goals. The call to hold COPs in proactive countries would counter this undesirable influence and promote greater transparency and genuine engagement from participants.

a necessary overhaul of the cop process

With growing criticism of the effectiveness of COPs, experts argue that the current process is outdated. In response, a letter addressed to the UN advocates for significant changes to enhance the impact of climate conferences. The objective is to shift from a negotiation-based model to an implementation-focused framework, ensuring that the commitments made translate into actual actions. This overhaul would require better representation of developing countries and more frequent meetings to maintain constant momentum. These proposals reflect a necessary paradigm shift to achieve global climate ambitions.

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