Call for the establishment of global goals for the development of electrical networks during COP29.

découvrez comment les objectifs mondiaux des réseaux électriques lors de la cop29 visent à transformer les infrastructures énergétiques pour un avenir durable et à promouvoir l'accès universel à une énergie propre et fiable.

On the sidelines of COP29, discussions are turning to a crucial issue: the establishment of global objectives for the development of electrical networks. The low-carbon transition relies on robust and intelligent infrastructures that will play a central role in equitable access to clean energy, particularly in developing countries. In the face of the climate race against time, modernizing and expanding electrical networks is becoming essential. Experts and decision-makers are gathering to address this fundamental aspect of our energy future.

During the COP29, a call was made to establish global objectives for the development of electrical networks. These networks are essential to support the low-carbon transition and enable efficient integration of renewable energies. Technical meetings, such as the TED10 in June, facilitated an in-depth examination of the elements of this objective, highlighting its importance for developing countries. In light of current challenges, it is crucial to strengthen investments and financing to modernize and expand these electrical infrastructures, which are essential for our sustainable energy future.

discover the stakes of the global objectives for electrical networks during COP29. analysis of sustainable strategies and innovative initiatives aimed at transforming the energy sector and ensuring an electrified and environmentally friendly future.

As COP29 approaches, the importance of defining global objectives for the development of electrical networks becomes crucial. The Bonn summit recently highlighted the deep divergences between nations regarding ways to strengthen these essential infrastructures. However, without a clear and unified vision, efforts to reduce global carbon emissions risk stagnating. Technical discussions emphasize that improving electrical networks is essential to increase the integration of renewable energies. Learn more about the recent progress and challenges from the June meetings.

The challenges and opportunities of electrical networks

Electric network managers and their employees play a key role in the low-carbon transition. To ensure clean and stable energy, it is necessary to establish robust financing frameworks and investments. The recent global report from the International Energy Agency, detailed in this report, highlights current gaps and progress made. However, recent informal consultations have not yet established a concrete roadmap for upgrading networks.

Innovative solutions and upcoming investments

The development of innovative technologies such as silicon carbide by Onsemi could revolutionize the way electrical networks are managed. Discover how this innovation facilitates the transition to electrification and supports the massive adoption of renewable energies. Additionally, projects initiated by Portland General Electric demonstrate how companies can meet the growing demand for clean energy while strengthening infrastructure.

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